Your Own Magazine Cover

After studying magazine covers and learning how the Principles of Design are used in them, students are free to make their own magazine cover with Affinity Photo, Affinity Designer, or both.

Discussion is had about how advertising and media influences society. Examples: Cigarette ads in the 50's. Apple Computer ads in the 90's. Current media/movies/Youtube.

Students must take a photo of a person or object and COB it for use in their Magazine Cover.

The magazine cover must include the following:
  • Magazine name in large text
  • 2 or more text blocks describing articles in the magazine (no more than two fonts used on mag cover!)
  • Good use of at least 2 Design Principles
  • COBed photo taken by you
  • Magazine date, barcode and website

  • Evaluation:
    5 points -- Includes all bullet points above.
    3 points -- Professional finished product
    2 points -- Saved as a high quality jpg file (8X10.5 inches, 300 pixels/inch) with your name.

    10 Points Total

    Zach M.

    Anthony A.

    Isabella S.

    Kallie B.

    Ben T.

    Kyle B.

    Lacey W.

    Devin D.

    Cover below is NOT a 10/10

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