Coil Pot/Vase

Students are shown a variety of traditional coil built pots and vases as inspiration. Maria Martinez is featured as an artist whose pots became highly sought after because of the quality and work put into them. Details such as practicality of shape and decoration are discussed as well as design principles of repetition, rhythm, and pattern.

The teacher demonstrates how to coil clay and build a basic vase form from the coils. "Scratch and attach" and "Slip and Score" are demonstrated as well as ways to add decorative coils to the vase/pot.

2 points -- Minimum 4 inches high
2 points -- Nice sculptural form (Elegant shape)
3 points -- Nice exterior decoration done in relief
3 points -- Quality and workmanship
10 Points total

10 points total.

This project gives students skills that they can use in pottery class for our Primitive fired pottery lesson.

Relief Sculpture is a design carved into or attached to the pot or sculpture.
Below is an example of a carved in relief design.

Below is an example of a relief design that has been added to the pot