The third floor was designed for entertaining and staff quarters and has many unique designs due to the roof lines and turrets. The room above has a series of unique ceiling angles. This room (top photo) was used as servants’ quarters and later for the caretaker.

The middle photo is of another servant’s bedroom with inherent charm due to the dormer window. The surface decorations in these rooms are simple, but comforting in style.

The third floor bath, shown above, is historically intact, although the clawfoot tub was added after the completion of the Mansion. Many of the furnishings in the Mansion are donations to the Ingomar Club and are illustrative of the Carson era.

Above is the historic room which contains furniture and clothing from the Carson era. This room was used as a library during Carson’s occupancy.

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Site © The Ingomar Club, 2005, 2006, 2007.
Text this page by Jill McDonald, Jim Morrison and John & Linda Disiere.
Photos this page by Douglas C. Beck. Content may not be reused without permission.

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