Final Portfolio

Digital Scrapbooking - or - Resume In Pictures

Zoom link for all Kulzer's classes:

A portfolio can be used to showcase your work to prospective employers. A scrapbook is a collection of memories with descriptive text and embellishments to add flair, style and interest to each page. Our digital portfolios/scrapbooks will showcase the work we did during the trimester and push your skills with photoshop.

Students are to collect their photos and project files from this trimester and arrange them into a digital scrapbook/portfolio. The option of printing and binding their portfolio is available (for a $10 fee) if the student chooses.

A digital scrapbooking tutorial can be found here: Cottage Arts Tutorial.

A gallery of sample scrapbooking/portfolio pages can be found here.

Resources like backgrounds and embellishments can be downloaded from google drive here.

Student portfolios must include the following projects:
  • Potato head and gondola can be put on one page.
  • Photo Collage/Poster
  • COBed photo
  • Food Photo
  • Black and White with a Pop
  • Shutter Speed and Aperture can be put on one page
  • 2Fashion photos
  • 2Portrait photos
  • Name Photo
  • At least 2 Nature Photos
  • Mystery Close up Photo
  • 3 more excellent photos taken by the student

  • Each page will be a 10 inch wide by 8 inch tall document in Photoshop. Remember that each page needs to be the same horizontal orientation in the book.

    Download a cover template here.
    Each page must include the following (See image with descriptions at bottom of this page):
  • A background for your page.
  • Photo Mattes for all photos.
  • Title with assignment name on one of the pages.
  • At least 1 text block per 2 page spread.
  • At least 1 embellishment per page.
  • Drop shadow(s) used on at least one element.
  • Students are encouraged to use different fonts for a creative effect. (Instructions on how to download and install fonts can be found here).

  • Evaluation:
    4 points -- Includes all required project pages
    6 points -- Includes decorative elements listed in green section above
    6 points -- Well designed pages
    4 points -- Saved and turned in as PDF. (See instructions here.)
    20 points total

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