Lego Construction Basics
Small Building Exercises to learn the Basics of Construction
EVW Boosters were kind enough to fund the Lego Education 45560 Ev3 Expansion sets in memory of Carolyn Becher.
Click here to download the Construction Basics Worksheet
Lesson 1: Gear Ratios
Lesson 2: Pulleys
Lesson 3: Lifts
Lesson 4: Rotary Motion to Linear Motion - Cam Shaft and Push-rod
Lesson 5: Rotary Motion to Linear Motion - Spirograph
Lesson 6: Flywheel - MightyMo
Lesson 7: Crimper/Easter Grass Maker
Advanced Models can be found
Our classroom using the Lego Education Sets
Lego Engineering website for more inspiration
Click here
to see a how the box should be sorted when turning it in.
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