Minnesota 9-12 Visual Art Standards

  • 1. Foundation
  • 1a. Use foundational knowledge and skills while responding to, creating, and presenting artistic work.

  • 2. Create
  • 2a. Generate and develop original artistic ideas.
  • 2b. Create original artistic work.
  • 2c. Revise and complete original artistic work.

  • 3. Present
  • 3a. Develop and refine artistic techniques and work for performance.

  • 3b. Make artistic choices in order to convey meaning through performance.
  • 4. Respond
  • 4a. Analyze and construct interpretations of artistic work.

  • 4b. Evaluate artistic work by applying criteria.
  • 5. Connect
  • 5a. Integrate knowledge and personal experiences while responding to, creating, and presenting artistic work.

  • 5b.Demonstrate an understanding that artistic works influence and are influenced by personal, societal, cultural, and historical contexts, including the contributions of Minnesota American Indian tribes and communities.
  • *All standards listed above are from the 2020 Minnesota Art Standards document.

  • My personal addition to the standards:
  • Understand and effectively use the Elements and Principles of Visual Art.
  • Graphic Communication

    Design Variations

    Sometimes it takes a little push to find the perfect design. When working in the Graphic Design industry, your Art Directors (bosses) will always want to see multiple concepts or many variations on a theme. They will want to see 5 carton designs or 6 character designs or 10 spaceship concepts.

    Forcing yourself to work through possible variations within your design will inevitably bring out a better design than your initial idea.

    Images of logo concept designs are shown as an example of how variations are developed to pin down a perfect design.

    A lesson on Color Theory is also included.

    The teacher demonstrates how to use Designer's tools to make simple variations. (Pathfinder and gradient tools are used extensively.)

    Students are to use Designer to make 9 variations of a simple geometric design. Then duplicate it and change the color scheme.

    Turn in a .jpg or .png file.


    1 point for each design based on professionalism, Color use, Progression from previous design, followed directions.
    1 point final presentation 10 Points Total

    Variations by Abby K. below.

    Variations by Broden T. below.

    Variations by Grace B. below.

    Variations by Kira P. below.

    Below is a hand painted design done by a former student, Ambir.

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