Facial Proportions: Drawing a Face

The self portrait assignment is probably the most in-depth and instruction laden assignment that we do in Drawing class. Every day for a week the teacher illustrates how to draw a different feature of the face while students follow and practice drawing the same facial features on their own paper. We start with eyes, move into mouths and noses. After practice on the basic features is completed, we put it all together on a head. Facial proportions are demonstrated and drawn from the front, side, and three-quarter view. Below are links to Quicktime movies showing the process students go through for each facial feature:

Eyes (9 minutes)
Mouth (7 minutes)
Nose (5 minutes)
Putting it all together on a Face. (4 minutes)
The videos will take some time to load, so be patient.

Some examples are shown and proportion lines drawn on them to illustrate how facial features relate to each other.

After the week of instruction, students are ready to be set free. Students are to bring in a mirror to view their own face or work from a picture.


3 points Correct Proportions
3 points Resembles the original person/photo
2 points Correct shading and shadows to indicate three-dimensionality
2 points Contrast (Details are visible from a distance.)
10 points total.

Image above, Gracie N's portrait of Jack Sparrow.

Drawing of Tony Shalhoub above by Abi K.

Above, Abi K.'s portrait of Tara Yummy.

Above, Tabi B.'s portrait of her mom.

Image above by Leya T.

Image above by Eric W.

Image above by Julia P.

Image above by Evie P.

Image above by Carrie O.