Students follow along as the teacher makes lettering guidelines on the board. Next, they draw a short word using their best penmanship as if they were practicing their letters in first grade.
The teacher, then, shows them how easy it is to make a serif font like Times by thickening the vertical strokes and adding serifs to the ends of letters.
Additional font styles are practiced by placing the "center line" higher or lower and by playing with letter shapes or adding "frills".
Next the teacher hand letters italic words by drawing a slanted vertical line through the horizontal guidelines, measuring the letter width on the top and bottom of the line to produce the next diagonal line at the same angle as the first. (and so on) See image here and below:

Students are then given the Lettering handout where, using the guidelines provided, they are to write a word using the given fonts. See Emma's excellent example below the evaluation form.
2 points for accurately duplicating each of the 5 fonts in a 5 or more letter word. (Because we can't use 4-letter words in school.)
10 points total

Example above by Emma W.
Examples of how to precisely construct letters below: