Composition of the still life is discussed first. Making sure shapes overlap each other in some way will make a more pleasing composition.
The teacher demonstrates how to draw geometric objects accurately based on what the students are seeing from their viewpoint.
Images below represent quick sketches of one still life viewed from 6 different positions on the table.

Start by doing a quick "very light" sketch to ensure all the shapes will fill the paper nicely, then move on to firm up the lines and make sure proportions are accurate. Shading objects to achieve a sense of three-dimensionality is also demonstrated.
Students might consider using normal #2 pencil first, then going back over it with their soft drawing pencil to deepen the shadows.

1 point -- Light sketches approved
1 point -- Placement and use of the paper
2 points -- Proportion
3 points -- Contrast (ability to see objects in the drawing from a distance)
3 points -- Shading to form three-dimensionality
10 points total