Hand-built Ball Pot

First the teacher demonstrates how to make a "pokie" (A small rounded shape used to hold a pot's roundness as it is built up.) The Pokie is left to dry so that the next day students can use it to help form their Ball Pots.

The teacher demonstrates various ways to make a round pot. Coil building and pinch techniques are used primarily. Paddling and ribbing are shown to make pots round and smoother.

Images are shown as inspiration to help students understand what can be made with round shapes.

Students are to make two round pots, one large and one small, and decorate them similarly.

1 point -- Small bottle opening somewhere.
2 points -- Both pots have Similar designs (impressed or added)
3 points -- Quality and Workmanship
4 points -- Roundness of each pot
10 points total

Pokie (note the shallow curve)

Ball pot being constructed on the pokie

Two ball pots above by William S.

Ball pots from the internet and craft stores below.