Students are shown the animated video, "Onward". After the video they are shown
Adam Campbell's storyboards for a short scene of the movie and we review how the storyboards relate directly to the video.
Mr. Campbell works at Pixar as a storyboard artist and has been involved with many of their movies.
A similar storyboard-to-movie comparison is done with the movie,
"Up" as well
To get the feel for storyboarding and how to represent camera moves and other parts of a scene,
blank Storyboard sheets are given to students. The teacher illustrates how to storyboard his daughter
Quinn's Lemon video (
click here for a youtube version.) as students follow along.
Click here to see an example storyboard like we do in class for the Lemon Vid.
For the assignment, Students are to watch the trailer for Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (find it on youtube here.) and story board a 20 second (or more) section of it on the blank Storyboard worksheets.
2 point -- Good Written Descriptions including narration/dialog
2 points -- Nicely illustrated with gray tones. (no stick figures)
3 points -- Panels effectively illustrate Camera moves and scene cuts
3 points -- Details included
10 points total
Click the images below to see Emma W.'s (left), Laura B's, middle, and Isabella P.'s (right) storyboard examples.

