Minnesota 9-12 Visual Art Standards

  • 1. Foundation
  • 1a. Use foundational knowledge and skills while responding to, creating, and presenting artistic work.

  • 2. Create
  • 2a. Generate and develop original artistic ideas.
  • 2b. Create original artistic work.
  • 2c. Revise and complete original artistic work.

  • 3. Present
  • 3a. Develop and refine artistic techniques and work for performance.

  • 3b. Make artistic choices in order to convey meaning through performance.
  • 4. Respond
  • 4a. Analyze and construct interpretations of artistic work.

  • 4b. Evaluate artistic work by applying criteria.
  • 5. Connect
  • 5a. Integrate knowledge and personal experiences while responding to, creating, and presenting artistic work.

  • 5b.Demonstrate an understanding that artistic works influence and are influenced by personal, societal, cultural, and historical contexts, including the contributions of Minnesota American Indian tribes and communities.
  • *All standards listed above are from the 2020 Minnesota Art Standards document.

  • My personal addition to the standards:
  • Understand and effectively use the Elements and Principles of Visual Art.
  • Animation

    Computer-Based Ball Animation

    After students get a taste for and practice making a basic animation on the Computer, they are given time to make their own Computer-based animation.

    Basic instruction on using Affinity Designer's drawing tools is given so students can make 3-d spheres, Smiley faces, and other, more complicated, illustrations. Tutorials can be found here.

    Students must email the finished ".mov" file to Kulzer when it is completed.


    3 point -- Minimum of 3 bounces
    2 points -- Additional Motion
    2 points -- Utilization of squash and stretch principles
    3 points -- Cyclical/Repeatable
    10 points total

    Below are examples from past students:

    Animation above by Megan H.

    Animation above by Laura B.

    Animation above by Madi D.

    Animation above by Isabella P.

    Animation above by Thomas L.

    Animation above by Sydney G.

    Animations below are from 9th grade.

    Animation above by Rylan S. and Shelby P.

    Animation above by Aiden H. and Gunner K.

    Let's Make Something!