
The teacher demonstrates how to make cartoon characters come to life by creating expressive eyes and by using variety in the drawings. Variety of line weight, Size variety, avoiding "twinning", etc.

A short video about the process can be seen here.

The teacher goes through a packet that students are given for inspiration.

Students try their hand at cartooning by drawing a cartoon character from a picture and then making up their own character. They need to visualize and draw their character from the front, side and 3/4 view. Their character should include details like a shine in the eyes and hair/ears/accessories, etc.

2 points -- Copy a cartoon Character (no tracing!)
4 points -- Your own Character (Front, Side and 3/4 view)
2 points -- Details included
2 points -- Finished Presentation/layout

10 points total.

Image below by Maria U.

Image below by Lilly L.

Image below by Neha M.

Image below by Makayla K.

Image below by Alexis V.

Image below by Ava V.