Watercolor Pencils

After watching the teacher demonstrate how to make a simple landscape, students are given a half sheet of paper to experiment with. The teacher also demonstrates how to fill the page with simple shapes and blend them away with a wet brush.

Students are to try both practice assignments today. (No grade)

The next day students tape their drawing to a board as instructed by the teacher, and follow along as the teacher shows them how to draw a tree (with or without a tire swing), a telephone pole and trees.

Watercolor pencils are used next. Coloring each square a little differently and layering the colors. Water is added to blend the colors. Sometimes white splatters are added to the sky as well.

The next day after the papers dry, the students use their watercolor pencils to color in the pencil lines of the poles and tree. Use water to blend parts a little then take their tape off and enjoy their painting.

4 points -- Followed along carefully
3 points -- Blended colors
3 points -- Quality of the finished painting

10 points total.

Based on the tutorial found here. .