
Students are shown how to draw 4 items in one-point perspective:
  • A pencil
  • A sword
  • A room with furniture
  • Street and buildings
  • Line weight is discussed as a way of adding "shadow and heaviness" to their drawings.

    Students are given another day to draw 2 more items using one-point perspective and line weight. Emphasis is put on finding things that are long and narrow. Only one of the drawings can be a group of two or more letters.

    4 points -- 4 drawings done correctly in class
    2 points -- 2 more "Half sheet" drawings utilizing correct perspective
    2 points -- Details included
    2 points -- Good use of line weight

    10 points total.
    (Please note, the example below does not include line weight.)
    The next day we go through 2-point perspective and assign the same project but students need to make their drawings use 2-point perspective.

    Click here for the examples done on with the class:
    Image 0
    Image 1
    Image 2
    Image 3
    Image 4

    Half-sheet drawings below by Lilly L.

    Half-sheet drawings below by Bella R.