Penguin Families

This lesson teaches students how to easily make small decorative Penguins for winter decor. Each student makes three small penguins in clay. One small, one medium, one large. After firing, students can paint them.

The teacher demonstrates how to make small lumps of clay into oval balls, then add wings, beaks, feet and other details. Each is hollowed out with a ribbon tool when the clay gets leather hard.

1. Put Name on paper placemat
2. Pull off a small piece of clay to use for the feet, beak and wings
3. Make 3 different sized balls of clay
4. squish them into oval egg shapes.
5. Scratch and attach feet wings and beak
6. Press in areas for eyeballs and scratch the inside of indents
6b. Make small balls of clay, scratch one side, dab of water on scratched side and press them into the eye sockets.
7. Cone stem and scratch bottom of beak
8. Dab of water on scratched part of beak
9. Attach beak
10. Repeat 7-9 for feet and wings. 11. Initials on bottom
1. Set on placemat to dry

Penguins below by Elisabeth N.

3 points -- 3 penguins made
3 points -- Feet, beak, eyes, and wings attached properly
4 points -- Quality and workmanship. (extra scratched lines smoothed over etc.)

10 points total.