Students are shown how to make a template that represents mountains or waves of northern lights. This template is laid on a dark background paper and chalk pastels are smudged over it in straight vertical strokes. The template is moved and more smudges are made.
Students, then have to figure out what to put under the northern lights. This part is done with white paper. Students draw their ideas on white paper with pencil first, then color in parts of it with pastels. The object(s) is(are) cut out and glued to the black paper.
Ideas for what's under the northern lights are put forth and written on the board. Below are those from this year:

Image above by Alexis V.
Step by Step instructions:
1. Rip scrap paper
2. Smudge pastel waves
3. Draw scene on white half sheet
4. Sharpie/Ink scene
5. Color scene
6. cut out scene
7. Glue scene to waves
3 points -- smudging and smearing
4 points -- Nicely ripped paper "waves"
4 points -- Nicely drawn and colored objects under the northern lights
10 points total.

Sunset above by Ava V.