Chalk Pastel Free Choice

Students are shown some inspiring images made with pastels in class and the teacher demonstrates how to use templates in different ways to create some fun pastel images.

A short lesson on Native American designs is covered and a few designs inspired by Native American artwork are shown as well as ceramic works by Maria Martinez. Discussion is had on how a culture can influence artwork and imagery.

Students, then have time to create what they want with chalk pastels. They may use black or white paper, or a combination of both.

Techniques demonstrated include:
  • Pastel on white papaer, cut out and glue to black
  • Template smudge lightsaber
  • Hearts (multiples)
  • Chalktober

  • Image above by Ava V.

    Image above by Makayla K.jpg.

    Image above by Natalie B.

    Image above by Natalie V.

    Image above by Samantha R.

    Image above by Adrianna O.

    Image above by Julia P.

    Image above by Eric W.

    Image above by Bella R.

    Image above by Caleb M.

    3 points -- Sharp lines and Smearing
    3 points -- Use of the paper
    4 points -- 3-d Blending

    10 points total.