I always tell them that if they do a project just because they have to, it won't turn out as good as if it has some significance or is meaningful to them. So if they need to make a box, they should think about how they could use that box. It could hold jewelry or keys or spare change, etc. Or maybe they can place initials or a name on it or even a small sculpture on it to signify a special person.
Often times, halfway through their work time we state an "Art Gallery" walk where students set out their work for everyone to see and we walk through the room looking at everyone's clay work. Students, then, pick one person to talk to about their artwork. Students are to say one thing that the like about the work and then ask a couple questions about what the student wants to do to complete the work. One constructive suggestion is then given by each student to each student. The students can choose to act on the critique or continue on the path they planned for their work.
1 point -- Large enough to be hollow
2 points -- Artistic merit (make it meaningful)
3 points -- Unusual or original
4 points -- Quality and workmanship
10 points total

Dragon above by Maria U.
Dinosaur by Emma W. Bank by Peyton S.