8 Mini Drawings

On the first day, students are asked to make 8 small drawings. This allows the teacher to evaluate how best to approach the future assignments and projects while also giving students a chance to show their creativity and drawing skill.

Students fold their paper in half twice, producing 4 small rectangle "frames" where each drawing is to be done. (8 when using both sides of the paper.) They then write each of the drawing subjects in the corner of each frame so that, if they don't finish the assignment before leaving class, they can complete the project at home.

Possible Drawing Subjects are listed below (click the words to see an example):

  • Favorite food
  • Staircase to the clouds
  • 3 D car
  • Clock
  • Alien Creature
  • 3 subject overlap or this one
  • Human Eye with shading
  • 3-D house with door and window.
  • Favorite animal

  • 4 of the 8 mini drawings below by Makayla K.