Pixel Art

Students are shown how images on a computer screen are drawn with pixels. A photoshop file is shown at 100 percent so the image is understandable. Then the image is enlarged more and more until individual pixels can be seen.

The teacher discusses how to make rounded shapes with squares. A letter J and K are illustrated on the board (translated from the smooth letters into jagged pixels). Next, A short demonstration on how to color the squares to form pictures is given by the teacher. A rainbow is shown along with other random patterns.

Inspirational examples are shown as well.

Students are given grid sheets that they use to make their own pixel drawings.

2 points -- Curved shapes included
2 points -- Page filled nicely
3 points -- Good use of color
3 points -- Neatness
10 points total

Kaylee S.

Addy W.

Natalie V.

Megan H.

Ava V.

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