Paper Tower

Students should use their engineering skills to make a tower out of one 8.5X11 inch sheet of paper. The paper can not be thick tagboard or cardstock. Any kind of tape can be used as long as the piece is no longer than 2 inches. Cut the paper and tape any way you want.

The tower must be free standing (not hanging from the ceiling or the edge of a table). It can be taped to the table or floor at the base of the tower (the "foundation").

When finished, the teacher will measure the tower from the table or floor to the top at a 90degree angle from the table or floor. A leaning tower is not measured from the base at the angle it's leaning. We want an accurate measure of the standing height, not length.

Grade scale:
48 inches and higher=10 points
32-47.9 inches=9
30-31.9 inches=8
28-29.9 inches=7
25-27.9 inches=6
22-24.9 inches=5
less than 23 inches=0