The teacher demonstrates how to make the base and bones, as well as how to attach the bones to the base.
Students start by making a base for their fossils and cover it with liquid clay slip, then add bone shapes to make the style and pose of a dinosaur skeleton.
A checklist of bones is given to each student so he or she can mark off the important bones as they are made. Each Dino fossil must include at least the following:
Special care is given so that the pose reflects a story that they will later relate to the class about how this particular dinosaur met it's demise and/or how it was discovered.
Plastic bags are used to keep the clay parts damp until next time.
When the fossils are dry and fired, students use watercolor to tint the clay in earth tones.

Fossil Above by Shelby R.

2 point -- 4 inches diameter minimum
3 points -- Includes all items on the checklist
3 points -- Quality and workmanship (well put together)
2 points -- Painted nicely to enhance the fossil look
10 points total