Concept/Conceptual Art and Design

Students are shown a video about the making of Disney's Galaxy's Edge Theme Park (Local vid here.) And a closeup of the spires being built here. (Local Vid.)

Concept art is meant to illustrate the characters, settings, vehicles, moods or feelings of each shot in a movie or video game.

For this assignment, you are designing the look of a movie or video game. What do the characters look like? What does the world/city/dwellings look like? Is it a primitive culture or advanced? What does the transportation look like? Do they have cars or spaceships or camels or???

Using pencils, colored pencils, markers, or paint, students are to design three things for a movie (one may be made of clay but it will not be fired):
  • A Character
  • A Set Piece (dwelling, landscape, city street scene, etc.)
  • A Mode of Transportation (Spaceship, Car, Bike, Camel with packs, etc.)

  • Images of concept and movie art are shown in class as inspiration.

    Students will have one week to work on this project. All 3 parts must be completed on the due date.

    5 point -- Character (details, shading, line weight included)
    5 points -- Set piece (details, shading, line weight included)
    5 points -- Transport (detials, shading, line weight included)
    5 point -- finished presentation (3 separate pieces neatly done)

    20 points total

    Images above by Emma W.

    Images above by Devin S.