Abstract Music Painting

Images of abstract art are shown and discussed in class. (Or a more specific to painting slideshow is shown.) and the [d]evolution of painting into the abstraction of the 30's through the present.) We discuss how the artworks make the viewers feel, what the works might represent, and what message (if any) the artist might have been trying to convey.

Art Elements and Principles are discussed as they relate to each abstract artwork.

Students are to listen to the music being played and make a composition using paint that "illustrates" the "feel" of the music.

We paint three artworks while listening to three (very) different musical pieces. After each piece of music/drawing session the teacher asks students to share how it made them feel and how they interpreted the music in their drawings.

(Made by Kaylie T. to the song, Trouble from The Chosen tv series.)

(Made by LaMichael A. to the song, Trouble from The Chosen tv series.)

(Made by Jayden Gray to the music of Dark River by Coil)

(Made by McKenna Jagodzinski to the music of Sandstorm by Da Rude)

(Made by Jayden Gray to the music of On One Knee by William Ackerman)


Points are awarded for participation and following cleanup procedures.
10 Points total