
To quickly get students up and running in a 3-d computer environment, a simple web-based 3-d CAD (Computer Aided Design) software is used: Tinkercad.

The teacher illustrates some of Tinkercad's features then gives students time to set up their own tinkercad account.

After the brief tutorial, students are to create a nice little picture of a house, a car, and a few trees. If the students have extra time they can put more detail onto each item.

3 points -- 3 different trees (not just copied and pasted)
3 points -- Nicely detailed car
3 points -- Nicely detailed House
1 point -- Nice arrangement of items
10 points total

* This project will not be printed.

image below by Laura B.

image below by Thomas L.

image below by Dakota B.

image below by Leland B.

image below by Kalob S.

image below by Daniel H.

image below by Derek H.

image below by Brielle K.

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