Then, using Lego blocks he demonstrates how an object can be translated into Front, Top, and Side views by sketching on the board.
Students are then given a small set of lego blocks. First students must put together the "face" to ensure they have all the pieces. The teacher will supply students with any pieces that are missing but then they must be careful so as to not loose any pieces while working on this project. (At the end, the face is built again to show the teacher that all pieces are accounted for.)
For the project, students are to build a blocky shape with the Lego blocks and sketch out the Front, Top, and Side views in the correct format. When they finish one, they should do two more by taking apart their shape and rebuilding it into something different, then draw that into a 3-view drawing.
Sometimes students are given grid paper to draw their Lego shapes.
Each drawing will receive 3 points
1 point -- Good form
1 point -- Using the correct format in their 3 view drawings
1 point -- Including all the details required in the 3 view drawings
10 Points total (1 final point for neatness)

Image above by Dakota B.