We hope this Christmas Season is filled with many blessings for you and yours.

Click the pictures to hear what the kids have to say.

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Theo will be 4 in April but let's not rush things. He's still our little three-year-old-peanut. With his older brother gone to Kindergarden every other day, Theo gets a chance to be the leader and helper. He plays well with his sister and enjoys the extra attention he gets from everyone.

He loves to pretend. His most often used phrase is: "Do you know what I am? I'm a little baby hamster." Or baby robot, or baby kitty. Then he will proceed to tell us what that baby does. He likes to cuddle in his "nest" made of blankets and pillows taken from the couch. Theo has his father's build and is constantly cold. In fact, he is not much heavier than Anissa. And that's why he's so cute.

Theo absolutely loves to build with Lego toys. Every chance he gets he asks, "Dad, can you build with legos with me?" He loves explaining his little creations to anyone who will listen. He's also our out-doors man. Theo will go out and freeze himself solid playing in the snow. We had only an inch or so this year but where it drifted onto the drive way, he was out there shoveling away pretending he was a digger. Hope that continues into the teen years!