We hope this Christmas Season is filled with many blessings for you and yours.

Click the pictures to hear what the kids have to say.

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Anissa is 19 months old and by any account, our cutest little girl. That smile of hers simply melts her father's heart. She really is a Daddy's girl. She will stand by the door when she hears her dad coming up the steps, blow him a kiss as he enters the door then attack him with a happy little hug before showing him something of interest.

We think she may be our most verbally intelligent child. She has such a wide vocabulary already. Our boys were not even attempting words at this age. (Maybe it's a girl thing.) She will attempt to say nearly any word you ask her to. And she is not afraid to let us know how she feels about things either. Anissa has a voice like no other. Sweet as a butterfly sometimes, but louder and more piercing than a fire alarm at other times. She definitely knows how to get our attention and hold her own against her bigger brothers.

Anissa loves her "dolly" that St. Nick brought on Dec 6th. She is the perfect example of a little girl. She even loves to play in her mom's purse. ...But her mom sure doesn't like it.