We hope this Christmas Season is filled with many blessings for you and yours.

Click the pictures to hear what the kids have to say.

Click the "Merry Christmas" banner to return to our front page.

Andrew is 5 already. Actually, 5 and a half! We really struggled with the decision to put him in Kindergarden because his birthday was so close to the cut-off date and he had virtually no day-care experience. It turns out our worries were unfounded. Drew has been doing fine and absolutely loves school. We both went to his Christmas concert (along with 4 Grandparents, an aunt and a cousin) and were impressed with his singing and acting abilities. Hollywood, here we come!

Drew is our little helper now. What a difference a year makes! He is so good at getting himself dressed and helping around the house. We couldn't get half our work done without him helping us and playing with (or distracting, entertaining, etc.) his siblings.

On a personal note, he'd like to say that he likes building with Lego toys, putting puzzles together, and drawing. You should see him meticulously color his drawings. We think he will be the artist of the family. Yes, even better than his dad.