Animated Gif

Zoom link for all Kulzer's classes:

GIF stands for Graphics Interchange Format and was developed as a way of compressing images back in 1987, 4 years before the internet. JPG (Joint Photographic Expert Group) format became the standard image compression format after a licensing rights fiasco over gif. Gif, however, hung on because of its animation ability.

GIF's are like the electronic form of stickers. They show up all over and add a sense of fun and whimsy to anything they are attached to.

Students are introduced to the concept of animation through a couple short videos. Next, animated gif's are discussed through a few examples. The best GIF's are ones that are repeatable, meaning that the first and last frame are nearly the same.

Students follow along with the teacher to make their first animated gif on their computers together.

Students are to use Illustrator or Photoshop to make an animated GIF of their own. The GIF must have two parts that move separately and be no larger than 6X6 inches.

Click here for step by step instructions to use photographs in your GIF animations..

Click here for a video tutorial using Photoshop to make a ball GIF..

Click here for video tutorial that reveals your love.

Click here for video instructions for an animated GIF using Illustrator and Photoshop.

2 points -- Repeatable/cyclical
3 points -- Smooth motion (not just stuff appearing and disappearing)
3 points -- Quality of hand-made graphics or Photoshop work
2 points -- Followed Directions. Turned in as a .gif file titled with your name.

10 points total