Product Photography

Zoom link for all Kulzer's classes:

Students are shown a video and a variety of professionally photographed products as inspiration. Details of each photo are discussed in class, including Composition, Lighting, Focus, Color choices, feeling/mood, desirability, etc.

Students are to photograph an item with a home made lighting set up including a light and/or reflector. The finished photo may also include some Photoshop work.

Two photos will be turned in: The finished photo AND a picture showing the "setup" including the reflector, assistants, lighting, etc.

Students are encouraged to read through these tips for product photography as well.

2 points -- Product staging
3 points -- Lighting Set up (Showing reflector and maybe external light source.)
5 points -- Finished photo (Composition,Lighting, focus effects Photoshop work)
10 points total

Car images above by Corina M.

local vid