Phavorites Photo Collage Poster

People, Places and Things that make you who you are.

Zoom link for all Kulzer's classes:

24X36 posters can be found everywhere from stores like Walmart to art museums like the Minneapolis Institute of Arts.

This is your chance to make a custom poster for your wall.

Students are to use a minimum of 20 photos of people places and things that have influenced them and formed them into the people they are.

  • 1) Make a new file in Photoshop that's 24 inches by 36 inches at 300 pixels per inch, CMYK Color.
  • 2) Open each photo, one at a time, in Photoshop (File>Open).
  • 3) Select all, copy it, then paste it into the 24X36 poster.
  • 4) Fade each photo out by using the Eraser tool -- or -- By selecting an area, choosing "Modify>Feather..." from the Select Menu. (Feather about 100 pixels or so)
  • 5) Repeat for each photo you want to add.
  • 6) Save as a photoshop file for your own archives/records but turn in a Jpg file for grading.

  • Evaluation:
    3 points -- followed directions
    3 points -- Quality of photos (Must be school appropriate)
    4 points -- Smooth fading and Nice finished layout

    10 points total

    * Printing is optional and only available to those who earned a 8 or higher and have paid the $5 printing materials fee.

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