Portrait Photography

And Soft focus effects

Zoom link for all Kulzer's classes: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/93409950621

Students are shown a presentation about portrait photography. Topics included are:
  • Lighting
  • Background
  • Pose
  • Focus
  • Portrait Genres and how they differ
  • Click here to download the powerpoint presentation.

    In addition images from professional photographers are shown and discussed.

    Students are encouraged to read 8 Portrait Tips Everyone Should Know.

    Students are shown various Photoshop techniques to edit portrait photos. Tools covered include:
  • Airbrushing
  • Clone tool
  • Healing Brush
  • Blur techniques
  • (Soft focus instructions are here.)
  • Cepia tone and Black and White

  • Evaluation:
    Portrait Photography
    (Always leave original as an untouched layer)
    Hand in 2 photos. One untouched in Photoshop, One modified to IMPROVE the photo or model. Photos must be of two different people!

    4 points -- Raw composition of the shots (Focus, Detail, Lighting, Crop, Color saturation, etc.)
    4 points -- Natural Corrections/improvements on one photo. (Don't do too much!) (And don't do too little either!)
    2 points -- Followed directions (one corrected, one not, untouched layer in corrected one, titled: "your name untouch.jpg" and "your name mod.psd")
    10 points total

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