Mystery Close-up Contest

Zoom link for all Kulzer's classes:

Students get to use the Macro mode on their cameras/phones to take Close-up shot of an object.

Most digital cameras have a "Macro" mode which allows very close up focusing. The macro mode setting is usually represented with a flower icon similar to the image below.

Students are to take a close up photo of an object so that viewers can't tell what the object is. The photo must not use blurring or unnatural distortion effects to obscure the object. No Photoshop work can be done (other than converting to a Jpg file if necessary).

Phones aren't the best for Macro photography unless an add-on lens is used. A page illustrating the differences between phone and camera macro shots can be found here.

Photos will be uploaded to our server and shared with the class. Each student will tell the class what their image is and some of the details related to the photo.

A few tips to take Macro Photos using a phone camera can be found here.

Sometimes prizes are awarded for the photo voted as "Best Mystery Close-up" of the class.

5 points -- Clarity/composition/lighting/focus
3 points -- "Mysteriousness" of the object
2 points -- Saved as a jpg with your last name.
10 points total