Set 1 -- Set 2 -- Set 3

Design Set 1

Design the text and graphics below to make a coherent, beautiful layout.

(headline) How 'bout it pardner?

How'd you like to...
Wake up with the sun, pour yourself a cup of coffee and gaze out upon the open range from the steps of your bungalow?

Can you imagine...
Spending the day outside, beneath a cloudless sky, putting in a hard day's work-- working close to the land?

What if you could...
Work on horseback, with your horse as your closest companion and trusty co-worker?

Ever wanted to...
Taste the best vittles you've ever had at the end of a day of riding, roping, and fencing?

Would you like to...
Live the kind of life most people have only seen in the movies?

It's all possible!
Live the life you've dreamed about -- be a cowboy!

For more information on how to saddle up and start your new career as a cowboy, contact us right away: 800-cow-boys