Mr. Potato Head (Melon head)

Selections in Photoshop

Zoom link for all Kulzer's classes:

This assignment is meant to give students experience using Photoshop's selection tools. Many of the edits we do in this class involve accurate selections so it's vital that students understand how to select items accurately.

Students can download a start file here. Next, open the file in Photoshop by using the "File"--"Open" command in the Menu bar of Photoshop.

Next, open a new document that's 8 inches wide by 11 inches tall (72 pixels per inch) and save it onto your computer with a descriptive title like your name and tato or melon. Select objects from the start file and place them into the new file, arranging them to look like the finished melon head.

Students are to use pieces from the start file to accurately duplicate the finished Potato/Melon head face. Then they should use the given pieces in creative ways to make a body for Mr. Mellonhead. (See examples below)

Turn in a photoshop file.

2 points -- Accurate head
4 points -- Accurate selections
4 points -- Finished body

10 points total

Hint: To make eyebrows and ears mirrored, duplicate the layer then go up to "Edit", slide down to "Transform" and select "Flip horizontal".

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