Cutting Out the Background


Zoom link for all Kulzer's classes:

"COBing" describes the act of Cutting Out the Background (COB) of a photo.

Because Photoshop is "Contextually aware", if your photo has a plain background, Photoshop may give you the option to "Remove Background" in the properties panel.

Open your image then scroll down in the properties panel to see if "Remove Background" is an option under the "Quick Actions" heading.

This video describes how to use the "Remove Background" function. (Thanks to Natalie J. and Claire U. for teaching me).

In some instances the background may need to be removed with more precise tools. Try using the Refine Edge brush as a way of more accurately selecting hair and fur.

Click here for good and bad COBing examples.

Students are to download one of the images below, (click the image to download the large version) remove the background, and place the character in a new background. Humorous situations are encouraged.

Save as a layered photoshop file.

Click the image and download the large version

4 points -- Quality of finished composite photo
4 points -- Clean natural masking/cutting
2 points -- Followed directions, saved as a Photoshop file with all layers showing
10 Points total.

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