Click here for a sample collection to use with instructor's lecture
Student collection of Byzantine art. Evaluation:
Uses a minimum of two works (Can not use works seen in teacher collection) to illustrate each of the major themes talked about in the lecture. (utilitarian work, religion, details of sculpture,painting,mosaic)
Brief paragraph (in the student’s own words) about each work including artist, date, culture/geographic location, the work’s purpose, interesting fact(s), attribution information (where the work was found, MIA, WAC, Tweed museum of art, etc.). The student’s opinion of the work. What the student likes, what the student dislikes and why.
Correctly created an art collection, placed images in chronological order, published and turned in the URL to teacher.
*As with any collection, the teacher may wish to have students illustrate a certain theme of the era. For example, students could choose two works of art and write about how these works illustrate the notion of a higher power or a god who is not necessarily benevolent. Or a teacher may wish to have students choose two Byzantine works of art that seem to contrast with each other and explain how they contrast and what may have caused such disparate works to be made within the Byzantine era. Or compare two religious works and list similarities. The possibilities are endless.