Art History

Click here to download a printable copy of the History Worksheet that goes along with this lesson.
Click here to see Lilly's excellent example of a finished History Worksheet.

The Evolution of Art

Venus of Willendorf 25000 bc

lascaux caves 15000 bc

Stonehenge 2000 bc

Pyramids at Giza 2000bc

Menkaure and His Wife 2515 bc

King Tut 1327 bc

Howard Carter Cleans Coffin Of King Tut

Greek 525 bc

Parthenon 440 bc

Laocoon 100 bc

Augustus 20 ad

Colosseum 80 ad

Mosaics 500 ad

Leaning Tower of Piza 1050

Cathedral of Notredame 1250

Reims Cathedral 1300

Giotto Madonna Enthroned 1310

Donatello David 1400

Donatello St. George

Masaccio 1425

Leonardo DaVinci Virgin and child 1483

Mona Lisa

Michelangelo Sistine Chapel 1512


Raphael's School of Athens

Titian 1525

Bernini's David 1624

Bernini's Cardinal Scipione Borghese 1632

Poussin's Death of Geronimus 1627

Claude Lorrain 1638

Rembrandt's Death of Lucretia 1666

Watteau 1717

Reynolds' Virtue versus Vice 1780

Pajou 1776

David 1790

Houdon 1781

Manet 1866

Monet 1891

Renoir 1890

Degas 1889


Rodin 1880

Seurat 1886

VanGogh 1888


Cezanne 1890


Braque 1909

Kirchner 1914

Picasso 1906

Escher 1940


Earnst 1941

Dali 1938

Dali's Hallucinogenic Toreador


Pollock 1947

Rothko 1953

Lichtenstein 1964

Worhol 1963


All kinds of "isms"

Other recent artists of note:

Chuck Close 1984

Close-up of The work above.

Warren Mackenzie 1980

Joachim (digital artist) 2005


Giancola 2008

Tiemans 2010

Tiemans 2020

Tiemans 2020

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