Substitute Lesson -- Kulzer's Coo-Coo Nest

When Mr. Kulzer can't be in class because of sickness or whatever, there are a few lessons that can be done:

  • Kulzer's Crazy Aquarium
  • Kulzers Coo-coo Nest
  • Lego Sculpture
  • Coloring and drawing Worksheets

  • For this lesson, students are given a worksheet that describes how to draw a simple bird.

    Students can draw a bird based on the worksheet instructions or any other animal that sits in a nest. They use colored pencils to color their birds, then they cut them out and tape them to the chalkboard "nest".

    The schedule for classes is on the board. My first class comes in at 8:05. (Click here for an image of the schedule.)

    THANK YOU for your help today!