2014 Blog

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Delivered some artwork yesterday and got a wonderful note from Victoria. Making art is usually enjoyable but when you bring a finished piece to a client and they're so very appreciative, it makes the process even more rewarding.

Click the image above to read Victoria's note. And click here to see the 20X24 signs made for another client.

November Studio Cleaning sale is in progress. Click the image here to see all the sale items on our Facebook page. And while you're there, be sure to "Like" Kulzer Design Studios!

Oh, and keep checking back because there are a few more shelves that need cleaning. So you'll find some rock bottom deals on more original art popping up real soon!

Finished sculpting Victoria's portrait last week but didn't have time to post an update until now. Take a look at the page (click the picture at the left) and then click through the next three pages to see more pictures.

I wasn't sure how to proceed with the clothing on this portrait so there are three variations illustrated on the current page. If anyone wants to weigh in on their favorite, hit the contact tab and send me a note. Rough hair has been added to Victoria's portrait as well but there's TONS more work to do yet so come back again to see the progress.

Everyone is going to get bored with me saying, "Another portrait is in progress." Click the image here to see the start of Victoria's half life sized bust.

And if you haven't looked at our Lego Contest page recently, check it out again because Theo and I have had a couple more building contests.

I finished sculpting Melissa. View pics of the latest by clicking the image here but also make sure you click through those pages to see the 360-degree turn-around.

Next the sculpture has to dry a little so I can hollow it out and fire it.

Since I consider building with Lego a sculptural activity, I can't resist blogging this:

Today Theo and I had a Lego Building Contest using only the pieces from Joe Meno's Spacefigher set. Click the image here to see the results of our competition.

(How did my 13 year-old become a better builder than me?)

Just gotta show the progress that has been made on Melissa's sculpture.

Drapery is being worked up now. And I should add that her bodice will be less revealing than it is currently so, as always, come back again and watch the sculpture evolve.

Sometimes things happen and you can't change them. Sometimes we wish we would have done things differently in life but now it's too late.

I had hastily perched the sculpture shown here in a precarious position while making room for it somewhere else when I heard a disheartening crash. Click the image here if you're bent toward seeing the destruction of artwork.

This 2/3 life size portrait is also an exercise in making a classically draped figure.

At this point, however, there is no drapery. But, as always, check back soon to see more.

After working on and off for months I finally finished sculpting the Gabriel memorial. The wings took a long time because I made 3 versions of them before being satisfied enough to call 'em finished. Not to mention every feather had to be sculpted...

Click the image here to see larger views. And click here to see an animated 360-degree view.

Now it'll be molded and cast in bronze. Pictures of that process will be posted as time permits.

Yesterday instead of wasting the July 4th holiday relaxing I decided to take a couple hours to sculpt. The result represents the struggle our forefathers went through to found our country. It also is representative of the people who fought so bravely to keep our nation free.

Click the image here to see larger views.

All this is not to say I didn't enjoy a little relaxation as well. I played frizbee with Theo and had fun building with the lego sets that the boys got on our Milwaukee vacation. The girls and I had fun with hugs and tickling too.

Another clay portrait to be cast in bronze. As you view the latest portrait be sure to scroll down on that page to see the 360-degree turn around. --And learn how a problem is corrected. (As always, click the image here.)

I don't work on Sundays so I took a little time to do a few drawings in my sketchbook. It has been a while since I drew for the fun of it.

Today was a perfect day. Rain in the morning so I could stay in and draw. Then the sun came out and it was HOT so the kids and I biked across town to the "Flying Saucer Park" where we can swing, climb, and play tennis. Got home, made supper and now it's raining again. Just in time to watch a little movie with the kids and tuck them into bed.

Speaking of Drawing, I did a little drawing for my Elementary students today too. Check out the assignment here.

It's about time I tell someone what's happening here. I've finally updated the Recent Additions page with a few items including:
  • 2/3 scale Police Equipment.
  • A quick clay sketch.
  • Half size Fire Equipment.
    Not to mention continuing to work on Angel Wings that I'm not ready to show anyone yet.

    The lesson for today, Faithful Reader, is that even if I don't post things here, it doesn't mean I'm not making anything.

  • 5/8/14
    Another long awaited commission is nearing completion. The second Call to Duty is nearly finished as you can see by clicking the picture above. After making a mold of this clay, other details like hoses and walkie talkies, etc. will be added in wax.

    Be sure to click through those pictures to see the 360 degree turn-around. I can't make a hologram so this little animation is as close to seeing it in 3D as you'll get unless you come visit sometime soon.

    The world lost a great person and amazing potter yesterday. Sandy Hagist worked at Eckels Pottery for many years and, between her, Dede Eckels, and Bob Eckels, taught me so much about the business of making pots.

    One of the most precious things about artwork is, sometimes that art will become a lasting legacy of the artist who made it, enduring longer than the artist him or herself. I will always cherish the Pottery I have from Sandy. And every time I look at it or use it I'll remember her and the amazing teacher she was. I thank God for having the chance to work at Eckels pottery, to know those great people, and to remember them even if they're no longer with us.

    Be sure to click the image above to see more pictures of Sandy's work.

    Sometimes commissions are put on hold until payments are made. Such is the case with the 9-inch Firefighter statue. Let's just say I'm really happy to see some money coming in again!

    The first image on that page represents a few minutes into the sculpt: A rough figure in the proportion required to fit the other 9 inch figures. There is also a 360-degree turn-around at the end of the set.
    It has been a couple weeks since I felt 100 percent. Today I'm coughing up a storm. Actually yesterday I did that-- Literally. A snow storm yesterday, dropping maybe 4 inches of wet sloppy snow along with some ferocious wind. But, really, I don't think it was my fault. Got out of school today though so that allowed me to take a nap and try to rejuvinate.

    But I digress... The real reason I'm writing is to show the finished Savior sculpt. Finished pictures are up along with a 360 turn-around animation.

    Can't wait to feel better so I can sculpt again!
    Savior has been refined more and is nearly ready to be called finished. For some reason looking at photographs of sculptures allows me to see the imperfections that need to be corrected.

    Check back in a week and see if you can spot the subtle changes.

    Well, the danger of doing quick sketches is that sometimes the quick sketch is really good and you want to keep working on it.

    That's what happened with "Savior".

    The sculpture is at a stage, right now, where it's "dead". Seems like every sculpt I work on goes through the "dead" stage where things have been worked up to a point that's close to finished but not quite there. Any spontaneity has been destroyed, it's not looking quite right, and just doesn't have the "life" that it needs.

    Work continues through this stage and usually they liven up again. And that's when when my heart jumps!

    Another of the Quick Sketch series. This one took a little over 2 hours because hair (and beards) are difficult to sculpt.

    Normally I'd leave this, recycle it and move on but I have a feeling I'll work it up to a finished piece over the next few days.

    Last night I took 2 hours and worked up this 2/3 life-size portrait. It's a "sketch" done quickly while listening to my new favorite song, "Young and Beautiful" by Lana Del Rey.

    It's such a thrill to make things. Last night at 7 pm this sculpture didn't exist. 2 hours later it was at the stage you see here. THAT is so amazing. To make something that didn't exist before. Something you can hold and feel. Sculpting, to me, is kinda like making kids. It's the joy of creating something new. AND then also the joy of being able to hold that little piece of art in your hands.
    There's really nothing better in the world!

    This piece also inaugurates a new section of my website. Clay Sketches. I will continue to fill that section as time permits between paid commissions.
    A page of my sketchbook from tonight. It's fun to "cartoon" people from real life. I used to sit in the cafe at UMD and sketch people. Tonight I used pictures of friends on Facebook.

    Many thanks go out to all who (though they didn't know it) allowed me to "cartoon" them.

    Just before Christmas I finished casting the Nativity Angel for church and a couple more for gifts. If anyone else would like one, they are 20 inches tall and cost $200 plus shipping.

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