Instructions for Shutter Speed Assignment

1. Take a few photos of moving objects.
2. Try panning the camera with the motion of the object so the object is in forcus but the background is not.
3. Try a similar photo with the background in focus but the moving object is blurred
4. Turn in three photos of the same moving object(s):

A. The moving object is motion blurred (Shutter speed=1/30th of a second)
B. The background is motion blurred (Shutter speed=1/30th of a second, camera panned with object's motion)
C. Background and object are in focus (Shutter speed=1/500th of a second)

5. Make all files smaller. (Image>Image Size. Make sure the "Constrain Proportions" box is checked and type a height of 7 inches, and resolution of 72 pixels/inch.)
6. Save each file as: "your last name"30th.psd, "your last name" 30thPan.psd, and "your last name"500th.psd
7. Put the files into a folder labeled with your name and drop it into my server's dropbox for grading.


3 points -- Accurate representation of shutter speed blurring effects.
3 points -- Accurate motion blurs (all parts that should be blurred are.)
1 point -- Use of class time.
3 points -- Followed directions.
10 points total