Final Photo

The Final assignment with cameras is fairly wide open for our students to explore a subject or process that they haven't had time to do thus far. A written critique of the student's final project is explained in class. This basic critique should be composed of three paragraphs:
1. A paragraph about the student, what he or she learned, and how he or she will use what was learned in class.
2. A paragraph about the final project. What was the intended idea? Did the student achieve the intended goal?
3. Another paragraph about your final project: What worked well, what you like. What didn't work well, what you would change on it if you could.

The critique should be word processed, printed out and handed in. Your final photo should be dropped in the drop box,

The student must take the main photo used for this project.


2 points -- degree of difficulty
3 points -- professional quality (color, contrast, lighting, corrections, etc.)
2 points -- conveys an idea, emotion, or opinion to the viewer
3 points -- written critique of final photo (printed out and handed in.)

10 points total