Halloween Still Life

Students are given a quick lesson on drawing from life. The teacher draws on the board, illustrating how students should look for intersecting lines in/on/between the objects. Emphasis is put on quickly sketching the general shapes first, then defining the shapes and shading according to color and light and dark.

Sometimes short gesture or contour line drawing studies are done in preparation for the real drawing.

Students are then given time to draw the still life objects on their tables.

Students may choose to draw with chalk and charcoal or oil pastel on gray or black paper. Or they may use normal pencils on white paper.

4 points -- Accurate Proportions
3 points -- Shading to indicate highlight, shadow
3 points -- Contrast. (Bright whites, dark blacks and gray tones)

10 points total.

Example of 30 second still life sketch worked up into a more finished version below:

Still life photo Reference