Students are to think about their family. They should try to illustrate a person in their family or the feel of the whole family through color and brush strokes.
For the second Abstract Painting students should try to express their feelings about a one of the following:
Safety Within by Hannah S.
Barely Hanging On by Hannah S.
The thoughts and ideas behind Mr. Kulzer's painting shown above:
"This represents my wife, Karen. It was made before we were married, when we were still dating. The pillar on the right represents how she's a strong woman who brought stability to my life. The diagonal abstracted cross shape represents our shared religious beliefs. The bright parts in the center form a person's profile when viewed upside down. This represents how she kinda turned my life upside down and how she's the bright spot in my life. And finally, the canvas contains various additional pieces of canvas representing the fact that I was piecing things together about her and her personality. I was discovering more and more about Karen, all the while putting those parts together to get a more complete picture of her."
3 points -- Entire paper covered with paint
3 points -- Conveys a feeling or idea through color
3 points -- Conveys a feeling or idea through brush stroke techniques
1 point -- Name on back and titled with the idea that is expressed in each painting.
10 Points total