A. Background and object are in focus (Shutter speed=1/500th of a second)
B. The moving object is motion blurred (Shutter speed=1/30th of a second)
C. The background is motion blurred (Shutter speed=1/30th of a second, camera panned with object's motion)
6. Save the composite image you just made in step 5 as a jpg and turn it in.A. Open the first image you want to use, say the fast shutter speed image (500th of a second). From the Menu bar, select "Image>Image Size". Type a width of 8 inches, and resolution of 72 pixels/inch.) B. Click Image>Canvas Size. type in a width of 25 inches and click the left center box to change all the arrows so they point right and up and down. (click here to see a screen shot.) C. Open one of your other images, maybe 30th pan, for instance. Resize it to 8 inches like you did in step A above. Repeat for the last image. D. Copy and paste each image into the 25 inch canvas. If you don't have text on the images yet, use the type tool to add text to each image: 500th, 30th, 30th Pan