
An exploration of various types of lines.

Art Elements are the "parts" of a piece of art. Line, Shape, Volume, Space, Color, Value, and Texture all are elements that artists use to make their work.

Students divide their paper into 4 rectangles by folding it. On each rectangle they paint a different light and bright color, then let it dry. They may choose to mix colors if they'd like.

The following class period we paint over the squares with a darker color and while it's still wet, students scrape lines through the paint to show the colors underneath. Lines should show variation in direction, length, and thickness.

If time permits we cut out black "frames" to finish our "paintings".

Each rectangle is painted separately. Rectangle 1 gets zig zag lines with the left edges thicker. Rectangle 2 gets swirls with thicker top edges. Rectangle 3 gets thick and thin wavy lines. And rectangle 4 can be what the student wants.

They can hold each rectangle up to the light to see the colors glow through their lines.