Bubble Prints

As part of our print processes unit, 4th graders may get to do bubble prints as a fun side lesson, even though they have done it in previous grades. It's just too fun not to experience multiple times!

Students will record the patterns made by bubbles. Bubbles are transient things that appear and then disappear. By adding color to the bubbles we can "print" them onto a paper and have a more permanent record of their existence.

After a short introduction to print processes, the teacher demonstrates how to blow bubbles into our colored water and "archive" or print the bubble pattern onto a paper.

Each table has a couple cups with colored water mixed with dish soap on them. Students each get a straw that they use to blow into the container, creating bubbles. They then gently lay their paper over the bubbles. When the bubbles pop the colored water stains the paper in the pattern that the bubbles had.

A brief lesson about historical print processes is also covered.