Step by Step pencil, ink, crayon, watercolor Landscape

Students are given a sheet of paper that has been folded in half twice, forming a grid of 4 "Quadrants". Quadrants are explained.

Students follow along as the teacher draws on the board. The teacher starts by drawing a bush in the bottom left quadrant. Then a hill that crosses both bottom quadrants is drawn. Next a tree is drawn in the bottom right quadrant. Another bush is added behind the first in the bottom left quadrant and a big and small leaf added to the top left quadrant. (Click here to see the step by step intstructions.

Composition is talked about and space indicators and perspective are discussed in relationship to the drawing we just did.

Next students use sharpie markers to outline their drawing followed by additional crayon lines.

Finally, students use watercolor to paint their drawing, noticing how the crayon lines show through the watercolor. and working with the idea of using cool colors in the sky and land but using warm colors in the trees, leaves, and bushes.